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Dachs bit by mosquitos


New Member
Dec 14, 2011
Alf and Theo: http://www.echosierra.se/
My dachs Alf was bit by mosquitos first time this year today. His nose swelled up and he looks like his been in an boxingring. Poor Alf. It itches too.

Does your doxies react to mosqitos likewise? It seems to be just the first bites of the year, the rest of the summer he doesnt look like this. My brother have the same problem. First bite always seems worse.


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Poor Alf!! :(

My mom's dachsie always looks the same in the beginning of mosquito-season (they live near lapland, so there's a lots of BIG mosquitos). The good thing is that the swelling usually eases in a few days. It seems worse than it is. :)
Lets see what happens to Manu and Jussi next week. We're going to spend midsummer at my parents! ;)
Yes it looks kind of scary. We even called the vet last year because he had even bigger swelling then. But the vet callmed us down and told us as long has his breathing or swollowings not affected, it is no worry. We got the advice of cooling it down with ice in a towel for a few minutes. That made the swelling go down a bit.

Hope your guys will survive the aggressive mosquitos!! They seemed more aggressive this year :(
Yep, they said on the news that this year there's more mosquitos than usually... :(
We're leaving today to go hiking near the russian border for 3 days and then we head for my parents for the midsummer. I guess we'll all be covered with red bumps when we get back home. ;)

Btw, do you have ticks where you live? We have them here and i'm so scared of them!! I've already treated the dogs against them, but they say the ticks might still bite them. I hope I'll never see one.... :P
How positive are you that it's mosquitoes? I see them biting my dog all the time, but have never had a reaction like that. ):
Mouse, and Boo only gets any swelling if they bite near their eyes. That looks really sore, poor guy!
I was near him all the time and the only thing we had around us was mosquitos :) The swelling is down today so it was quick this time :)
Oooo. That looks bad. I'm glad to hear that the swelling has gone down. This happened a couple years ago to my mother's dog. He had two big bumps that looked just like that at first, we soon found out that they were actually bot fly larvae! We had them removed, but it was the grossest thing I think I've ever experienced... I'm glad it's only mosquito bites with Alf!
Yak! Larvae! We live in the cold part of sweden so we dont have tics or other scary nasty bugs. Hes back to normal now. Hope he doenst get any more bites.
We're back from our hiking trip. It was awesome!! The dogs were so happy to run free in the woods and swimming. There was A LOT of mosquites as expected and there was also the smaller things that take a bite ( i don't know what they're called in english). But i think it was worse for us humans than for the dogs.... ;) They got bit under the belly, but not in their faces. Their bellies were full of red spots, but they weren't itchy or anything and the spots went away in a day. So, this time also, it looked worse than it was. :)
Oh I hate those small things! We have a lot of them too. At our summerhouse there were lots of bees and bigger things. I got bit once. I think the dog made it home without a bite this time :)