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Apr 1, 2012
Hey guys, i was wondering about something. On my doxie behind his jaws on the neck he has 2 oval shaped balls, and they are about 1cm long. Do your doxies have the same thing? or is this something i should be worried about?

I read around and some sites said that those could be his saliva glands, but i never got a conclusive answer.
Our Sammy had that too It was his saliva glands... Antibiotics cleared it up
Leo has pretty big salivary glands, but he has a slender head and neck so they just seem bigger then they really are. If they don't hurt your dog to touch them and he is not acting differently then I doubt there is any problem.
Both Mouse and Boo have them, my vet told me not to worry about them, that some breeds seem to have them more on the surface.
Yep...Ben has those too. =D I was worried about them when I first noticed, too, but the vet said it's nothing.
Sams were really big.. On larger that the other and it turned out to be an infection.. He had no sensitivity when I touched them but just to be careful I took him to the vet and it turned out to be an infection.... best to get it looked at just to be safe