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brough my dog to my apartment


New Member
May 27, 2012
we lived in a house with 6 dogs at one time but we onl had 2 both dachshunds a female would have been 4 and a male 3. we were in the process of moving because one of us got a job and had to move but our dogs stayed at the house while we were in the hotel for a month we went back every weekend but 2 days before we signed out lease for our apartment our little girl went missing and we could pay the pet deposite at the time so we took boy to my parents to stay where he had 2 other dogs and now he is alone in the apartment and wont stop barking when we leave. we put him in a cage when we leave because he will chew on EVERYTHING while we are gone. we can not afford a dogsitter but we need to figure something out fast anyone got any advice? I have a week to get it under control before i have to find a new home for him
we lived in a house with 6 dogs at one time but we onl had 2 both dachshunds a female would have been 4 and a male 3. we were in the process of moving because one of us got a job and had to move but our dogs stayed at the house while we were in the hotel for a month we went back every weekend but 2 days before we signed out lease for our apartment our little girl went missing and we could pay the pet deposite at the time so we took boy to my parents to stay where he had 2 other dogs and now he is alone in the apartment and wont stop barking when we leave. we put him in a cage when we leave because he will chew on EVERYTHING while we are gone. we can not afford a dogsitter but we need to figure something out fast anyone got any advice? I have a week to get it under control before i have to find a new home for him

This might be tough, I think you should try to make him more socialized and should have train him properly at the weekends or holidays, till then put him to cage. That would be smart choice. Feed him well and train him well.