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Brand new & super excited!

Frankie Bean

New Member
Mar 26, 2014
Hello everyone!

My husband and I have had our miniature dachshund for 11 days now and I cannot imagine life without her!

I'm excited to be a part of this group as she is our first dog and I already have 10 million questions. Thanks in advance for all of the help and camaraderie that I'm certain will come from this wonderful community!
Hi and welcome from the UK!

Would be great to see a photo of your little superstar.........
Thank you! This is Frankie, relaxing under the warmth of her stuffed toy. Clearly, she has no problem accepting the role of Princess.

Hi and Welcome from Canada!
How is it that Frankie came to live with you?
Thank you for adopting an adult. We have adopted only adults over the years and it's worked for us.
We adopted Frankie from a family that couldn't care for her anymore. We aren't entirely sure what her back story is, but it seems that she was well cared for and loved - we definitely lucked out!

I am so glad that adopting adult dogs has worked well for you! We are excited to adopt an adult down the road.
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What a pretty girl!! so glad she has found her forever home :)
I see in your other post that she's only 7 months. Still a puppy!
Hello and welcome from Pennsylvania!!! She is a beautiful little girl.
Thank you! This is Frankie, relaxing under the warmth of her stuffed toy. Clearly, she has no problem accepting the role of Princess.


She is a beauty. I love the red smooths.
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Frankie Bean

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I'm new too my name is miss Charley, I just turn five month's old on march thirtieth, I have a big brother his name Is little joe, ! Hi I'm judy and I'm haveing a hard, hard time getting miss Charley to go out side to do her busy,! I never had this much trouble with my eight yr old! Is it harder to train a girl than a boy? I'm throwing myself out there if anyone has anything they can pass along to me feel free!

Sent from my SCH-I200 using Tapatalk
Judy, it is probably best to go back to your original post, where I have asked for more info. Sometimes it does take a while to get a reply but it gets really confusing if you post the same question on multiple threads. I am sure everyone will offer help and advice if you can let us know exactly what is going on.