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Boof and Tabby say Hi


New Member
Sep 13, 2011
Tabby(dacshund), Harley(Great Dane), Bella & Dan(Chihuahuas), and Dixie(Boxer)
Hello My name is Beth(Boof) and I have a very spoiled two year old female blk and tan Doxie named TABBY aka tab tab, tabby girl, hey you (I have five dogs).LOL Me and Chris(my hubby) live in a small country community in Northern Mississippi with our five puppy children. Tabby,(Doxie),Harley(18 month old female great dane),Dixie(6 year old boxer female),Dan and Bella(male and female chihuahua). Here she is



Here are all the girls dan was somewhere else at the time lol
Boof is so cute!!! :) And so are your other dogs too. Gorgeous pack. ;)
Tabby is the dachshund, My nickname is Boof.... Thanks though
How cute are they! Welcome to the forum!
Loooov the picture of all of them on the couch! We have 6 dogs, 4 Doxies, 1 Yorkie and a 17 yr old sheperd mix. 2 of the Doxies are 10 weeks old and a hand full.
Welcome to the forum!
Hahaha! Sorry!! Well you're all very cute! ;)
Loooov the picture of all of them on the couch! We have 6 dogs, 4 Doxies, 1 Yorkie and a 17 yr old sheperd mix. 2 of the Doxies are 10 weeks old and a hand full.
Welcome to the forum!

I still have not seen enough pics of your babies... How are they doing? Is the little one all recovered from puppy strangles? Their hearing and eyesight ok? (well except the little one with Small Eye)
Let me go to the big computer and post some photos.
Thanks Everyone, I have another cuddle picture to share you will love it
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its my favorite