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Allergic to metal, new harness, and pics!


Alberta Region Moderator
Oct 5, 2010
3 mutts, two deaf/vi mini Dachshund
K so I've discovered that Mouse is allergic to metal... that's why we had weird hairloss and patchy skin. So I bought a harness online, and a tiny collar plastic clip collar, and cut the leash ring off. But I really like this harness, and it fits Mouse PERFECTLY!!! It's been hard to find anything that fits her!

The only metal on the harness is on the back and easily kept off her body.

Here's the chest

A side view

and the back. Boo's harness came with him, and I really like it, but the metal rings cant easily be kept off the skin... which is fine for him... but I may just buy one that matches Mouse's :)
Very nice! Leo has a similar harness in blue, we got it from a friend and it is a size too small I think. He liked it till we went to the beach and he got sand in his armpits and got a rash.
I can relate to metal allergy, I get itches from metal too. Like belt buckles ETC.
Does the harness slip over the head or wrap around?
The harness can do both, slip over the head, or get taken apart and wrapped around the dog. This one doesn't get in Mouse's armpits, though Boo's does.

I think she looks very sporty LOL though she didn't like it at first... she walked sideways for 5 minutes... tee hee, we had a good laugh at that!

I ordered another one for Boo, in royal blue!

a metal allergy is easy to deal with, thank goodness! I was so happy to discover that that was the reason she was losing all her fur, not a more difficult allergy like grass or something!
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Were did you order the harnest from? I'm going to need a few.