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  • She's just a little tiny girl then :). My Reggy is 23 pound beef stick lol. If you ever want me to try to make her a jacket, just let me know. I do custom work. How old is your Spekkle now? I'm so glad you took her in. It bothers me so, when people treat animals like they are expendable. I've wanted another dachshund for a long time ( a few years now) , but I have not gotten one because I have to make sure that it's the right choice for our Reggy and for my fiance and me. He feels it will upset Reg if we get another dog. I think it would do him good and give him a friend but it has to be a agreed decision lol. Soo so far I'm the only one that agrees LOL. Anyway I just posted another jacket, a boy jacket lol I guess, it's flames , more manly looking with motorcycle buttons and stuff. Happy weekend to you and your family :) Ruth
    It's funny.Spekkle is soo tiny and won't even go out the door in the colder weather, unless carried in her duffel bag with blankets or sunggled with me!! She just refuses. I got her from a family that claimed they were moving so she was going to end up at the shelter, and I found out that they would more than likely put her down, because she is deaf and was only 3 months old at the time.. So she came to us. I was just looking at your site, ateast what my phone will let me see.And you sacks are pretty neat, but Spekkle doesn't like to be covered.or at least hasn't yet.She had also never chewed on anything, and yesterday she destroyed a controller for the Wii while I was getting kids in bed!!! Little pain in the butt is what she is. I will look more when I get on the computer, and maybe will he able to put some pennies up for one for her, and I will definately check out the coats. It would be nice to see some actually fit her. She is just small and long... Very strange.Maybe 5 lbs wet.
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